Friday, June 08, 2007

Full Speed Ahead

So I have told a couple of people that I was going to update my blog yesterday and still I have not been able to find the time. This learning stuff is a lot of work. Class starts at 8:30 in the morning and ends at 7:00 at night. We now have group presentations that we have to do tomorrow so that has taken up the 7:30 - 12:00 free slot that we had in the evenings. They also assigned our research papers yesterday so that will take up the Saturday and Sunday free time that we thought we might get. But it's great stuff - at least the information is interesting and exciting to learn. It's amazing how much your brain can take in in a day. Each lexcture seems to be this attack of information that you have to catch and find a place to put it all. But just to ease your mind, I have found time for a little fun earlier this week. On Monday a group of us walked down to Times Square which totally blew my mind and enjoyed the masses of people and overload of advertising and lights. Then Tuesday we went on a boat trip around New York to see all the sights from the water including the Statue of Liberty. After the boat ride some of us headed down to Grenwich Village for some amazing Indian food and then off to a little live music club. Last night I almost stayed in for the night but the city was calling me so I headed out for a drink in a funky bar on Broadway. I don't think I have been in bed before 2 am since I got here. Yep I'm living the high life. But this city truley amazes me and there is so much to see it's hard to waste time sleeping. I have yet to hit Central Park which is only two blocks away but I may join the marathon of people that run there in the morning this weekend. I will try to post some picutres and keep updating you as I find time. I have to run now to meet with my group about our presentation tomorrow on the question of 'Does humanitarian assistance prolong conflicts?" This is great stuff!

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