I spent most of my weekend in Cental Park. Yesterday a couple of us went down to the big Apple store to check out all the fun Apple stuff. It's quite an amazing store. You go into this big glass room in the middle of the street and go down stairs to enter the store. Then after being tempted to spend lots of money we went for a New York hot dog off a street vendor. Then enjoyed the NY meal in NY style by walking through the park. We ended up walking the whole park which took about five hours. The park is amazing. There is anything you can imagine there. Here are some of the things we saw.

- dogs that look like their owners
- an old man sitting on the bench singing and playing a hermonica
- the central park zoo
- people on a climbing wall
- more dogs
- people running which also includes an ipod
- sunbathers
- basketball
- volleyball
- baseball
- soccer
- tennis
- kickball
- ultimate frizbee
- a naked (or almost naked) indian man doing some sort of show
- more dogs
- horse carriages
- a SWAT team (didn't stick around to see what that was all about)
- and arobat team that did amzing flips and stuff
- a half pipe for BMX bike riders
- a really nice reservoir with turtles and nice birds
- a trumpet player
- more dogs
- some sort of rock band warming up for a concert later in the day
- boating on a little pond thing
- every different kind of person you could imagine
- oh and did I tell you we saw some dogs?
It was quite the walk. I never thought I would see so much in one park. Then we left the park and headed into Harlem to see a different part of New York. It's not the place I would like to get caught in after dark but it was cool to see during the day. Then it was on the train to head to Grand Central Station. I think the name describes it all. From there we decided to walk the streets a bit and find somewhere to eat. We headed towards Times Square and it started to rain. Walking through Times Square is difficult enough to walk through with all the people but then imagine it with everyone holding umbrella's. It was a dangerous place to be. But we made it through with all of our eyes and found a cool little dinner with a big open window. So we had a great meal and got to watch people walk by trying to fight the rain. My biggest contemplation of the day was if it helps a bald guy to not get his head wet if he holds a napkin on his head. Well I think one guy thought it would help him out. Maybe he just got his head polished. Then it was back to campus for a quick nap to prepare for a night out on the town. A big group of us headed down to the meat packing district for a night of dancing. I thought that I saw strange things in central park, I think my evening out trumped that. There is nothing like dancing in a NY club. So much fun. But I did make it back before the sun came up so that was a good thing.
After getting some sleep in a couple of us headed back to Central Park to study for our exam tomorrow. It was a nice day spent on a blanket discussing our past week of topics, drinking Starbucks and enjoying the weather. I think I'm ready for my exam tomorrow and another full week of lectures and paper writing. But not before I get some sushi in my belly.
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